Dental implants are affected by numerous variables: the location of canals, the structure of the maxilla
and mandible, bone density, the selection and positioning of a fixture, and its connection with an abutment,
among many others. By addressing all these critical aspects, 10DR Implant allows you to set up a far
more reliable and safer implant surgery plan as well as to gain more hands-on experiences and perspectives
on implants than ever before.
10DR Implant is a Computed Tomography (CT) image-based virtual 3D implant tool providing the information
and functions that are of far greater use and value than existing CT films. To name a few advantages
of this implant planning enabler, it provides a rich reservoir of 2D and 3D images, detects canals
with a few clicks of the mouse, simulates fixture locations, measures bone density, detects
implant/canal collisions, and provides as-you-please viewpoints.
10DR Implant will bring you ever closer to satisfying your patients and setting your clinic clearly
apart from others.
with 2D and 3D images and detecting problems you would otherwise face in actual surgery.